5 High-Maintenance Things We do to Stay Low-Maintenance
We have the inside scoop to maintaining that fresh look, gleaned from years in the beauty business.
We’ll let you in on a secret…… Those people who look put together with no effort 24/7 are NOT ‘low-maintenance’, they are simply organised, proactive, and have a tried and tested self-care routine!
But don’t worry, today we are getting you in the know and sharing how you can achieve the same effect in 5 simple steps! Join us as we share five high-maintenance things to do to stay low-maintenance.
Who knew a little planning and some key products could make such a big difference? We hope you enjoyed this peek into our ‘high-maintenance for low-maintenance’ secrets. If you would love a little help implementing a self-care routine, our SOAK team are also here to help, simply click the link below.